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Pathway to College, Career, and Community Readiness

MCPS created a new guide to help families, students and teachers work together to ensure student success.

The Pathway to College, 职业和社区准备帮助确定学生的优势和改进的领域,以确保每个学生得到他们需要的支持.

Here’s how it works:

  • 以下描述的里程碑将用于解决学生过渡到新的年级水平之前的任何学习差距, college or the workforce.
  • 父母将收到关于他们的孩子是否达到这些特定基准的信息.
  • School staff, 学生和家庭将聚在一起决定帮助学生成功的最佳方式.
  • In addition to academic benchmarks, 学校还将为学生提供培养核心能力和技能的机会,为高中毕业后的生活做好准备. You can see the core competencies here.


The Pathway to College, Career and Community Readiness

Pathway Es Preparación Universitaria, Profesional Y Comunitaria



Leverage the strengths of others to achieve common goals, and use interpersonal skills to coach and develop others. Assess and manage one’s own emotions and those of others; use empathy to guide and motivate. Take initiative to organize, prioritize, and delegate work.

Skills that express this career competency:

  • Planning, initiating, managing, completing, and evaluating projects.
  • 清晰表达愿景和战略,运用创新思维超越传统方法.
  • 寻找和利用不同的或相互竞争的观点和其他人的反馈来指导方向.
  • Motivating and inspiring others by encouraging them and by building mutual trust.
  • Recognizing and supporting the strengths of others to achieve common goals.

Career Development

Career Development

Identify and articulate transferable skills, strengths, knowledge, and experiences relevant to desired career goals. 寻求在职业发展道路上不断增加所需的知识和技能. 探索和导航必要的步骤,以追求与个人价值观相匹配的职业机会,并在工作场所实施自我宣传策略.

Skills that express this career competency:

  • Recognizing and articulating how specific strengths, skills, knowledge, and experiences connect to career goals and related opportunities.
  • Planning, renewing, and pursuing personal and career goals.
  • Displaying curiosity; seeking and embracing development opportunities to learn career related skills.
  • 培养对有发展空间的专业领域的认识,并寻求发展相关技能的机会.
  • Assuming duties or positions that will align with career advancement.
  • Establishing, maintaining, 和/或利用与那些可以帮助你在专业上进步的人的关系.



Build collaborative relationships and maximize strengths across diverse teams. Navigate group dynamics and manage conflict to achieve common goals. Negotiate solutions to meet the varied needs of professional stakeholders.

Skills that express this career competency:

  • Collaborating with others to achieve common goals. Being accountable for individual and team responsibilities and deliverables.
  • 有效地管理冲突和不同的个性,并锻炼妥协的能力.
  • Listening carefully to others, taking time to understand and asking appropriate questions without interrupting.
  • 与主管和团队成员/同事建立积极的工作关系.

Digital Technology

Digital Technology

熟练运用常用的技术工具和应用程序,以合乎道德的方式解决问题. Engage in continual learning of emerging technologies to maintain adaptability. 运用创新的技术工具来提高专业和组织的成功.

Skills that express this career competency:

  • 导航信息,构建思想,并利用技术来实现战略目标.
  • Managing technology to integrate information to support relevant, effective, and timely decision-making.
  • 寻找机会来提高工具和技术的知识,以帮助简化工作和提高生产力.
  • 遵守道德标准和保护隐私和安全的惯例.
  • Adapting to new and quickly changing technologies.

Professionalism and Work Ethic

Professionalism and Work Ethic

Demonstrate initiative, personal accountability, effective workload management, and efficient use of time. Exercise integrity and ethical behavior in the workplace. 培养模范的职业声誉和适应组织文化的能力,并在不同的工作环境中表现出期望.

Skills that express this career competency:

  • 公正行事,对自己、他人和组织负责.
  • Demonstrating dependability (e.g., report consistently for work or meetings).
  • Evaluating one’s own performance, acknowledging and learning from mistakes.
  • Having an attention to detail, resulting in few if any errors in their work.
  • Understanding the importance of nonverbal behavior in a professional setting.

Equity and Inclusion

Equity and Inclusion

重视、尊重并向不同身份和背景的人学习. Demonstrate openness, inclusiveness, and sensitivity with all people. 不断寻求对不同文化的更深层次的认识和理解,以便熟练地驾驭当地文化, national, and global landscape. 参与反种族主义活动,积极挑战个人和系统的种族主义, inequities, and personal biases.

Skills that express this career competency:

  • Advocating for inclusion, equitable practices, justice, and empowerment for historically marginalized communities.
  • Effectively integrating into new culturally diverse environments; effectively communicating and adapting in intercultural and multilingual situations.
  • 征求和使用来自不同文化视角的反馈,以做出包容和公平的决策.
  • Keeping an open mind to diverse ideas and new ways of thinking.
  • Addressing the systems of privilege that limit opportunities.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Exercise sound reasoning and analytical thinking. Use knowledge, facts, and data to solve problems and make decisions. 战略性地展示创新、创造和发明来实现成果.

Skills that express this career competency:

  • 运用信息进行决策,运用合理的、包容的推理和判断.
  • 组织和计划战略,并有效地与利益相关者沟通行动和基本原理.
  • Coming to well-reasoned conclusions and solutions, testing them against relevant criteria and standards.
  • 管理工作场所的困难或意外情况,以及复杂的业务挑战.
  • Maintaining a resilient mindset to persist through challenges.
  • 能在快节奏的环境中同时处理多项任务,并能主动预测需求.

Oral and Written Communications

Oral and Written Communication

运用有效的沟通策略将信息传达给目标受众. 运用多种写作风格和格式,清晰地表达思想和信息, compelling, 在公开讲话或从事专业互动时表现出敏感的态度.

Skills that express this career competency:

  • 向主管、专家和其他人询问适当的问题以获取具体信息.
  • Framing communication with respect to diversity of learning styles, varied individual communication abilities, and cultural differences.
  • Demonstrating verbal/non-verbal abilities, such as oral and written communication skills for conveying information.
  • 表现出积极的倾听技巧,尊重他人,以及适当的非语言行为.
  • 以清晰和有组织的方式沟通,使他人能够有效地理解.

Personal Well-Being

Personal Well-being

通过更好地理解个人动机来增强自我意识, emotions, and behaviors. 致力于不断提高自己的身体、精神和情感健康. 培养和培养良好的习惯,以提高注意力、生产力和影响力.

Skills that express this career competency:

  • Balancing and supporting work, career, and personal and social needs.
  • Utilizing organizational training and supports for well-being, and advocating for one’s needs related to health and well-being.
  • Engaging in regular self-evaluation and reflection of emotions, motivations and behaviors that could impact well-being and productivity.
  • 认识到身心对工作和生产力的影响,并定期采取措施促进健康.
  • 运用应对策略和建立韧性来管理困难或意外情况.
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